Sunday, January 16, 2011


Along with the new year comes choices. I have to choose my employment path for next year - at least with regard to my current position. What is the God-pleasing way to go? My husband wishes me to forestall doing anything permanent until I can obtain another position. I really don't think there is any need in waiting because I have decided that I do not wish to return either way and would prefer to homeschool as opposed to continue on where I am. There are, however, financial considerations. I intend to meditate on this subject as I begin reading Luther's book on prayer.


  1. It is a hard decision you have to make. I will keep you in my prayers.

  2. Thank you. The difficult part is that my husband and I seem to be in disagreement with what I should do. I need to make a decision soon in order to give the school plenty of notice, although they are aware that I am considering leaving.
